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At Jarrett & Price, we take great pride in the fact that most of our personal injury cases are referred to us by other attorneys. They trust us with their cases because they know we will treat their clients well and do our absolute best to maximize the recovery dollars.

Here are just a few of our recent personal injury results:

Head-on collision settles for $1.25 million

In 2017 our client was driving a van in Hall County with his wife and four children on board when the driver of a pickup truck suddenly pulled out in front of his vehicle. This caused a terrible head-on collision with all five members of the van receiving serious injuries, one of which required a life-flight helicopter. The driver of the van suffered the brunt of the damage and suffered multiple broken bones in his leg and arm. He spent two weeks in a medically induced coma while doctors performed several surgeries in an attempt to save his leg.

The insurance company for the pickup truck denied liability. Almost immediately after Jarrett & Price was hired, our first call was to a professional accident reconstruction expert to investigate the scene of the crash. Thanks to the work of the expert, and numerous documents including 911 audio and law enforcement video taken from the scene, we were able to prove the driver of the pickup truck was 100-percent liable for the accident and settled the case for policy limits of more than $1 million.

$1,000,000 Settlement Involving School Bus Driver

In 2018, our Client was driving a school bus in Wayne County, Georgia. He was stopped for a student to board the bus when a negligent driver in a moving truck ran into the back of his vehicle. Our client suffered spinal injuries requiring surgery.

$500,000 Settlement in Head on Collision

In 2017 our client was hit head-on in White County Georgia by a driver who was recklessly weaving in and out of traffic. She suffered a broken foot and leg, as well as requiring a full knee replacement among other injuries.

Car wreck leads to neck surgery and $250,000 settlement

Our client was involved in an auto accident in Chatham County when a pickup truck backed out of the driveway opposite her car and crashed into the rear of her vehicle. The damage to both vehicles appeared relatively minor, but our client suffered persistent neck pain that would not go away for months after the crash. A medical diagnosis eventually showed that she suffered a damaged disk in her neck due to the whiplash-like effects on her neck. The disk had to be repaired using a very invasive surgery that required months of rehabilitation. The insurance company initially denied all liability for the claim, and would not even pay $500.00 for the property damage. Our firm filed a lawsuit and provided medical opinions from her treating surgeon demonstrating that the surgery was directly related to the car wreck. The insurance company eventually settled for their limits of $250,000. This was more than four times our clients’ medical bills.

Head-on collision results in knee surgery and $187,500 settlement

While driving to work one day in Hall County, our client was struck head on by a vehicle that entered into his lane to avoid striking another car. His injuries required a knee surgery that kept him out of work for approximately three months and cost him tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills. We were able to settle the case for policy limits of the at-fault driver for $100,000 within a few months after the crash. But because this didn’t completely compensate him, we filed a lawsuit seeking more funds from our client’s own insurance company’s UIM policy, and another vehicle we believed was at-fault. After the lawsuit we settled for the policy limits of the other at-fault driver who was partially liable for the crash, and eventually settled with the client’s insurance company for a total settlement of $187,500, which was more than five times our clients medical bills.

Neck surgery results in $100,000 settlement

A year before a car collision, our client had suffered a terrible health crisis that required multiple surgeries on his spine and neck to overcome temporary paralysis. Thanks to those surgeries, he was able to completely recover and regained most of his function. Then, months after he recovered from the illness, he was the passenger in an automobile collision in Stephens County. This caused numerous complications, and he was back in the operating room having surgery on his neck. The insurance company claimed this was all related to his previous problems and was not caused by the car crash. We were able to provide enough medical records to show this was likely caused by the crash, or at the least a significant aggravation of his previous condition, and settled the case for the at-fault drivers insurance limits of $100,000.

DUI Drugs crash settles for $50,000

Our client was walking in a restaurant in Forsyth County when suddenly a vehicle drove into the front of the restaurant. Thankfully, no one was killed. Our client was hit in the head by a piece of debris, and went to the emergency room for treatment. Fortunately, she was not seriously injured, and her total medical bills for the incident were less than $2,500. However, the incident report showed that the driver of the vehicle had been behind the wheel of the car while huffing gasoline from a sock and passed out. She drove across an entire lane of traffic, through multiple parking lots before finally coming to rest. This is just the kind of case for which the state of Georgia allows plaintiff’s to claim punitive damages. While our client’s medical bills were only about $2,500, we threatened the insurance company with a hefty punitive damage award at trial if they denied our demand for policy limits. The insurance company listened, and settled the case for the at-fault driver’s total insurance limits of $50,000.

*DUI cases present unique facts in personal injury cases. See our article here to learn more.

Car Wreck Settles for $50,000

Our client was driving her car in Chatham County, Georgia when she slowed down for traffic in front of her. When she did, the vehicle behind her crashed into her vehicle and pushed her into the car in front of her. She suffered an ankle injury requiring surgery. Her case settled for the at-fault driver’s total insurance limit of $50,000.

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