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Local News Appearance Discussing DACA Challenge

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A federal court in Houston, TX is currently considering a DACA challenge brought by Texas with several other states joining. The primary issue, in that case, is whether the Obama Administration had the executive authority under the US Constitution to create the program. Texas is making the argument that the creation of the program was an overreach by the executive branch and essentially usurped the legislative authority of Congress.

On December 28, 2020, a Savannah Immigration attorney appeared on WTOC to discuss recent developments concerning the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and what impact a Biden-Harris administration would have on its future.

We will see what happens in the upcoming year, but we expect to see more DACA challenges in the future and this issue will never be resolved until Congress acts on this issue and passes legislation.

DACA Representation

Patrick Jarrett has represented dozens of DACA recipients throughout the state of Georgia and the surrounding coastal region. If you or a family member has any questions on eligibility for DACA benefits, please give us a call. Patrick will speak directly to you and answer any questions you may have.

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